Preparation – Delay

Some not so good news today.

We applied for our Turkmenistan transit visa a couple of weeks ago, with the confirmation it would be ready in three weeks (which would be today, the 8th). When we called today, however, the embassy told us it’ll be ready on Monday the 12th at the earliest, possibly even Thursday the 15th. Bummer!

Luckily, we’re not really bound to any dates. All our other visas leave plenty of room for shuffling country entries around.

Truth be told, it could turn out even worse. It’s not even sure we’re getting our Turkmen visa (they can always be refused, apparently). In case of a refusal, we have a plan B though: travelling through Afghanistan!

Or not.

Real plan B: going back from Iran to Azerbaijan and taking a ferry accross the Caspian Sea to Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is visa free, and gives us a quick route to our real destination, Uzbekistan. In case you’re not following anymore, no worries, I’ve provided a handy map below:

(Plan C = Afghanistan = big no-no)

We’ll let you know when we’ll actually leave!

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