

We’re Tom and Wafa, two Belgians with a love for travelling.

So far, we’ve only done shorter trips together (max 4 weeks), but it has always been our dream to really get out there and see the world.

That’s why we decided, during the summer of 2017, to put both our careers on hold and travel the Silk Road for 6 months. The idea is to drive from Belgium to Mongolia and back. This should look more or less like this:

(Yes, I’m aware this itinerary looks like a slightly retarded hamster. But that’s not the point.)

If you look closely, you can see we’ll get started on the 5th of March, and try to be back in Belgium by the 15th of August. With hopefully lots of shenanigans in between.

Possible obstacles we might hit on the road:

  • The situation in Turkey deteriorating,
  • The situation in Iran deteriorating,
  • Not getting a visa for Turkmenistan (not easy, it appears),
  • Getting harassed by border officials, police, other officials…,
  • Getting lost in the endless wastes of Kazachstan, Mongolia, Russia,
  • Worst of all: Wafa getting all hangry because the only things to eat will be mutton, fermented sheep milk and sheep’s head. Not to mention the sheep eyes!

So you guessed it, we’re really looking forward to this adventure!

We hope you’ll stop by our site every once in a while. If you do so, you can always say a little prayer for our poor souls and a safe return 😉


Tom and Wafa